About Us


Picture this: a bunch of friends, passionate about change and having a say. That's us. We started Left Jab Tees because we wanted to wear our thoughts on our sleeves—literally.

And we thought, hey, why not get everyone in on this? We’re not just about making tees; we’re about making a point. We’re rocking our ideals, one outfit at a time – fashion is our frontline for change.


If you like to say it like it is, enjoy a good laugh, and believe your tee can be your banner, we’re your tribe. We’ve got all sorts of designs for all sorts of folks. And hey, we love seeing how you rock our gear!

So, that’s us. If you’re into tees that speak your mind and heart, dive into our collection. Pick something that screams ‘you’ and wear it proudly. Welcome to the Left Jab fam – let’s make some noise, one tee at a time!


We're not just here to slap some designs on tees and call it a day. Our approach is all about mixing sharp wit with bold visuals to create wearable statements. We brainstorm, we sketch, we debate—every design is a product of passion and a touch of irreverence. It's all about crafting tees that make you laugh, think, and maybe even stir up a conversation or two. We believe in quality, creativity, and making sure each tee packs a punch.


At Left Jab Tees, we believe that fashion should be fearless and fun. Our philosophy is simple: challenge the norm, speak your mind, and do it with a sense of humor. We’re all about using our tees as a canvas for change, blending satire with style. We think that a great t-shirt isn't just worn—it's lived in, laughed in, and sometimes even fought in. For us, it's not just about the clothes; it's about the message and the movement.